You can now create your own AI Character for free. This first version of Metaplaces AI Agents will showcase some of the fantastic capabilities of AI that will only improve over time. Especially as we hope to improve the graphics and level of detail of the characters in the future.
We’ve created this guide to help you get started with your AI character and obtain a satisfying result.
Creating your agent
First, click on CREATE AI AGENT on the menu.
Currently, only Unity avatars are available. Unity is selected by default, you can go onto the next step.
Currently, we are using ReadyPlayerMe to create your Avatar. Customize it as you see fit, then click on next. When finished, you can click on “Continue without Signup”, or create an account with Readyplayerme if you so wish.
Next, you have to choose the environment, which is basically a panoramic image that shows up behind your character. You can either Skip this step, or choose one of the images in our Environment library, or upload your own.
Alternatively, you can generate your background Environment image using AI, such as shown below:
On the last step, you need to give a name to your character and describe it. In this example, for “Zeus the Thunder God”, we simply used the first paragraph from the Zeus Wikipedia page.
After you finish, you will be redirected to the character page, where you can edit it or go to its chat page. To find your agents, go on the menu and click on Manage AI Agents.
That’s about it to create a simple and functional AI Agent in 4 little steps!
Advanced options
If you need more control over your AI character, and obtain a better and more sophisticated result, you can play around with the advanced options when editing it.
Here, we will go over every one of these options.
If you turn your character private, you can change the Chat Link URL by clicking on the refresh icon to make sure no one can access it unless they have the URL.
It’s important to define the communication style of your character. Not only will this change the way it speaks, but it will also use a different set of animations, such as rude gestures when choosing Hostile. Also provide one or multiple example of responses to ensure it behaves as expected.
If you want to give your character a voice, make sure to choose a suitable one, in the language (or accent) you desire. Make sure you check Enable voice by default to enable the auto speech function. Enabling voice will significantly increase the amount of tokens you will use while chatting, so keep track of your available tokens in your profile page
This is the first message that is shown when the chat window is opened.
Although in most cases, you can leave the knowledgebase empty, it is possible to add an additional layer of contextual information to ensure the AI character has a deeper personality. In our case, we used other paragraphs from the Zeus Wikipedia .
Providing the AI Agent with the context of its surrounding will make it more aware of its location, thus offering a better experience overall.
AI Token Credits and Rate limiting
Although Free Accounts have 200,000 tokens for free, keep in mind these are used accross all your AI characters, and one voice token (one word spoken) is the equivalent of 6 text tokens (words).
If current usage is high, rate limiting may happen every hour, which will result in an unresponsive agent.
However, at any point, you may subscribe to a higher tier to ensure you have enough tokens.
If you have any questions, feel free to join our discord and chat on the #owners channel (requires ownership verification) or opening a #help-ticket :